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A school of magic which invokes the power and mystery of the cripple and the freak. Cholomancy Before you ask, no, it isn’t the magic of Latino badasses. Throughout history, […]

robo the dino |


Dental magic, creating and destroying pain You got started as a patient, most likely, discovering that something grew stronger inside you during a dental operation. You found that you could […]

TedPro |


Duelling and honorable combat as an obsession. Nickname: In the past decade or two, members of the school have begun to refer to the school as a whole as “The […]

TedPro |


A school of surgeons, now almost completely faded into a handful of rituals. Nickname: This school of magic stopped working long before the tradition of nicknames began. The Hippocratic Oath […]

TedPro |

The Jet Set and The Reds

Two extinct Adept schools from the 1960’s, for a game set in the past, or as background flavour for a modern game. The Jet Set The new wealthy elite seem […]

offiox |

Psychological Combat

Flinging words and body language rather than swinging fists and body slams. WILLPOWER STRAIN The maximum amount of Willpower Strain you can take equals your SOUL stat. The GM tracks […]

Wratts |


In order to prevent great harm, you must cause it. This ritual allow the generation of a magical panacea that can totally cure any ailment of the body or mind […]

offiox |

Mark Sanford

Why won’t he just shut up? Ok, as we all know, the death of Michael Jackson should, realistically, have moved media attention away from the Mark Sanford affair…but it hasn’t. […]

Azazel |


A dying school of metallic currency An ancient and dying sister school to Plutomancy, Lamniamancy emphasizes the importance of intrinsic value, rather than wealth. They are a school obsessed with […]

Azazel |


In order to prevent great harm, you must cause it. This ritual allow the generation of a magical panacea that can totally cure any ailment of the body or mind […]

offiox |