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Introductions: 333 posts

A forum which, among other things, discusses the creation of new universes, just hit a rather significant post count. Of course, this’ll be obsolete any minute now, but isn’t […]

stange_person |

The Dillworth Vocational Institute

Ritchie Jenson, Merchant Avatar and Dipsomancer, teaches the skills of dead men. Name: Richard Klaus Jenson Description: Ritchie is, to all appearances, a man well worse the wear for drink. […]

Basilisk |

The Organ Boys

It’s a family buisness … The Organ boys are in actuality the Morgan boys, but it’s easy to see where the mix-up originated. Every one of them is a son […]

Momus |


The Enlightened walk amongst us…. NOTE: To give credit where due, the CoC sourcebook Secrets of Japan did help me come up with this concept thanks to its extensive section […]

Michael Keenan |

Dime Travel

The Roman god Mercury, protector of travelers and merchants combined symbolically with a rare 10 cent coin and a dying feature of modern life, the telephone booth. This ritual allows […]

Basilisk |

The In-Store Camera of Hate

What if someone could make you famous; for all of the wrong reasons… Let’s say you hated someone’s guts. Let’s say you knew what their biggest taboo (magical or otherwise) […]

privateI |

The Girl In The Fireplace

What’s an 18th century fireplace doing on a 21st century cruise liner The Girl In The Fireplace Introduction All the PC’s are members of the coastgaurd. While sitting in harbor […]

Tuka |