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The Unreflected

What’s even more unlucky than breaking a mirror? When the mirror breaks you in return… Mirrors are fascinating things. They reflect without bias, copying our world perfectly within their surfaces. […]

Shatterfreak |

The Tomb of Homes

Another Australian Otherspace Any city could have an entrance or two to the Tomb. You’ve seen the sort of places it chooses – empty lots, the buildings that once occupied […]

Qualia |

Never swallow your gum

Look, man, I’m only certain about those gum capsules, the kind with that thin shell, but I’m not taking any chances after what I saw last night… You remember the […]

Shatterfreak |

Don’t run red lights

Stoplights are alive…and they carry grudges… You ever notice there are some stoplights that seem to know you’re there? They always seem to respond a bit quicker, move traffic a […]

Shatterfreak |

Numeromancy III

third try. Changed a few formulas and added a few more. Thanks to Hotel Detective for your great ideas. Numeromancy Nickname: Bean-counters, mathemancers, Number-cruncher “It’s all in the numbers” As […]


Second Impact Syndrome 9

Chapter Nine: Up, Up, and Up a Little Further “John. Open up.” The door opened up and John peered out through the gap maintained by the safety chain. He appeared […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Ad Libitum

A Personamancer who loves to bring down the house. The term ad-lib often means the introduction of unscripted material in an otherwise scripted scene in a TV show, movie, or […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Personamancy and Borat

How can a Personamancer like Baron Cohen escape from Sleepers? Being a enterntainer and doing films. Off course. Do you thing he is going to get a Major Charge for […]

Pepe Pérez |

Numeromancy 2.0

Second try at this. Did some much needed editing, changed a few formulas and added a little bit of the flavor i’m using for the game at home Numeromancy Nickname: […]



The Magic of Numbers I”m knew to UA, so i’m a little worried about the if this is balanced. Numeromancy Nickname: Bean-counters, mathemancers, Number-cruncher “It’s all in the numbers” As […]