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Elevator of Renunciation

A video that depicts an elevator ride that will take away the conformist in you. The elevator is one of the standard symbols of conformity. Everybody goes in, faces the […]

Petohtolrayn |

Love Potion v.9.1

So what happens when the magic creation of an adept doesn’t work? Tommy Draffert wanted Linda Huntsly like no one else he’d ever laid eyes on before. He didn’t know […]

privateI |

Something’s wrong at the U….

A university professor whose office was used to store certain archaeological artifacts has gone insane…. I know, it sounds like something out of a bad pulp novel–a shaggy Shoggoth story, […]

Basilisk |

L’Inconnue de la Seine

One mans struggle to rescusitate his never-existing love. Have you ever trained basic CPR? Maybe some first aid class in High School or Boy Scouts or wherever? Then, if you […]

rekyl |

The ma-na-ma-na curse

A meaningless little curse with some nice side effects. First of all I wrote this in Msc because its not really big enough to be used as a ritual. It […]

rekyl |

Cryptomancy dumping ground

Anonymous window into another’s mind ( Bloody genius way to collect little bits of things people would never tell you. This blogger invites the general public to create an artistic […]

Halitheres |

KLOW: 92.9 FM (Graveyard Shift)

Ever wonder about the Dead Kennedys covering “Viva Las Vegas”? In the recesses of the old foundry, the lone operator was the master of his domain of air, radio waves […]

Mr Unlucky |

The Big Game Hunter

A hunter who’s trophy collection you do NOT want to see. (cosmic level) Surely you’ve heard of him before. A real big time, major league player. Envied by every clockworker […]

Hatchet |