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Rhyming Curse

Make an enemy recently? Need to make them pay? Head on down to the local Poetry Slam! The Rhyming Curse Minor Ritual Cost: 5 Minor Charges Ritual Actions: Concentrate on […]

Basilisk |

The Unmaker

A very powerfull artifact, worth killing for….. This thing is similar to Robin’s “The Clandestine Gun”, but i post it anyway…. When i was a child, i had lots of […]

Deathbox |

Gossip and Lies

Put your ear to the ground and hear the noise of the Underground. Before they added the blue colored M&Ms, you could eat the other colors in the right order […]

Unknown_VariableX |


The magic of letting another being temporarily own your body in return for magical energy. Schizophrenia scares everyone who suffers from it; at least those who do so involuntarily. Imagine […]

privateI |


The magic of the artist. Another minor, easy school. You are one of the few inspired by a true muse. You follow the choppy, difficult, beautiful path of an artist. […]

TedPro |


Trucker voodoo and the mages of the open road. Viamancy It took a long time to find your real mother. Not the one who raised you, mind you, but the […]

TedPro |

The Trunk of No Returns

As thorough and complete as a wood-chipper, with no messy pink mist. Sonny “The Teacher” Mordano doesn’t mess around. He serves his cousin Alejandro “The Spider” Mordano as a trouble […]

privateI |

Dorado the Relentless

There’s no mayhem like unrequited-love mayhem. The first chapter of the story of Scott “Dorado” Schaffer began in 2002, when Scott graduated from high school and headed (a bit reluctantly) […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Kid Nihil

What defines existence? Can you prove something existed by destroying it? Nihil (AKA. Jimmy Durante) Durante was the punk-a$$ed kid who always had to ask “Why?” or “Why Not?” One […]

privateI |

The Unholy Trinity

Apathy, Cynicism and Sarcasm will help you out — if there’s nothing good on TV. Mr. Clean, Advocate of Apathy Annihilomancy is fairly evenly split between those who learn it […]

Unknown_VariableX |