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The Personamancer of the Opera

Part One – Uptown The snowfall had just begun, a light flurry that seemed incompatible with the weatherman’s prediction of an all-out blizzard before morning. Bobbi ran along the sidewalk, […]

Unknown_VariableX |


One of the last of his generation of the Occult Underground Troy Scarsdale is a tired, old biker propheteer of the occult underground. Chipple is not much to look at […]

Insect King |

What’s beneath your city?

Police discover entire movie theater constructed underground in paris catacombs Just found this on (NPR.ORG) Kind of makes you wonder what lies under you feet.

Mr Quick |

Warren Ellis’ “Fell”

Need inspiration? Check this out. Check out Warren Ellis’ comics series Fell. It’s mainly a gritty detective story, no overt supernatural elements, but the mood of the thing is pure […]

John Olson |

A Dissappearance In Angelcross

When some people go missing, finding them is the worst thing that could happen…. Unknown Armies Beginner Level Adventure Introduction: The town of Angelcross, Wales is mining country. It has […]

privateI |

Life on the Sun, and Conspiciomancers.

The truth about Conspiciomancers and Life on the Sun. There is life on the Sun. It’s not exactly what you think, though. The first Annihilomancer ever to get a major […]

Engelous |

Things I heard…

The world is a freaky place indeed… – Wanna try something funny? You have to be really patient to pull this off. Get a mirror. Start staring at it. Well, […]

Hatchet |

The Imperialist (19th Century Wigan)

“The Sun will never set on The British Empire.” The imperialist could jump to life straight out of a Rudyard Kipling poem. He’s the man who will plant the Union […]

privateI |