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Lady Looks Like a Dude

A model’s pragmatic career choice, or a thrown gauntlet in an upcoming battle for the Mystic Hermaphrodite? The years are unkind to female models. It’s harder and harder to gets […]

Doktor Anon |

Tip of the Iceberg 1

Who are you if you are in fact no one, yet still someone? White. White. White. What was with all the white? The man blinked and sat up. His eyes […]

Enochian |


Fear is the mind-killer, and the phobomancers are dying to bring it to you. Once the most terrifying weapon in Hitler’s occult arsenal, this school is now doubted to even […]

PhilosopherKnave |

Baptism Of The Banknote

AKA El Bautizo del Billete, a Colombian ritual for knocking over cash registers. This simple ritual, which found its way into a book of anthropology in the early days of […]

waitingforgodzi |

Anna Palmer: The Girl Anachronism

Based off of a The Dresden Dolls song of the same name. Behold the world’s worst accident. “… And I’ve got some issues to work through. There I go again: […]

Rumba |


Names carry power! Nickname: Wonderful, totally respectable appellomancers who aren’t called anything else. (link NSFW) Generate a minor charge: Give something an official name. This must be something that […]

TedPro |

Thin Black Line

Chad Underkoffler to the rescue! Thin Black Line has finally been made available, thanks to the efforts of Mr. Underkoffler and some other awesome people! You can download it at […]

VengeanceTheDog |

Dance of the Red Spiral Part 2: Collateral Damage

New York City — the early ’90s. A killer’s shadow falls over Central Park….. —————————————————————————Central Park – ???????????? ~ 10:00 PM {..aww gawd… aww fuck me, its coming for me….} […]

Tsang Lo Returns |


The believers of the all mighty ogrelord Shrek. Nicknames: Brogres Shrekomancers are people who obtain powers through Shrek and his all green mightiness. They tend to dress as Shrek some […]

chriswalt |


Maintaining dignity and purity through compulsive cleaning. Nicknames: Cleaning agents, neat-freaks, Cathars. This school is riffing on similar ideas to PrivateI’s Cleaner (eliminating filth at the source, by punishing the […]

waitingforgodzi |