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Lunch Money and combat

So I just bought Lunch Money… … and I was wondering, why not use it for resolving close combat in UA? A character’s hit points could be her Body score […]

thanthos |


The making and breaking of taboos. Nickname: Crowleys There’s a thrill to the forbidden. There’s a power in having your sensibilities violated. A net of psychological energy keeps people’s behaviors […]

TedPro |

Iconomancer’s unite

channelers of The King and Belushi You just can’t make this stuff up. .

Halitheres |

Back and Forth

Fourth story in the Magid chronicles. At six, Alia had some questions, growing up in an adept’s household. At eighteen, she asks an old family friend named Peter Ravlin. My […]

Tara |

The Storm’s Eye

Through nothingness, all is accomplished. Description: The Storm’s Eye is a lazy, passive figure, that seems to be in the center of things, despite total inaction. By abandoning ambition, the […]

TedPro |


A very old school dealing with the domestication of animals. By domesticating animals, people have made them into companions. Husbandomancers draw upon this love and connection to influence animals, and […]

TedPro |

news of the odd

Little girl has an invisible friend who tells her about being murdered, body is later found

True Identity of the Naked Goddess

One Idea as to the Archtype and true identity of the Naked Goddess. Hurridly written. For most of History, woman have been oppressed and abused. Men kept their hands firmly […]

MeiRen |