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Man of the Land

There’s more than just worms under your feet Attributes: You love the land. You’ve put your life into it, even hinged your life on it. You’re a farmer who lives […]

Owen |


In the immortal words of Steve Martin, “Let’s Get Small” Nickname: “Everything-Bonsai” (historical), “modelers” (modern) As the world progresses, human ambition has become small. Instead of creating greater and greater […]

TedPro |


Just do whatever comes naturally. Note: whenever I write here “unnatural” I mean something that simply is not by the nature of humanity, it doesn’t have to be something ‘magickal’. […]

the nihohit |

Death to Mak Atax!

If this is not a direct attack on Mak Atax I am not sure what is.,1035268 Now the only questions are what was this ritual supposed to accomplish nnd […]

The Beautiful People

They’re not real… but you know them better than anyone who is. At least half of all celebrities don’t exist. There hasn’t been a human pop star since before Elvis. […]

The McK |


When Sex is not about Sex. Libidomancy “I’m just seven hours old, Truly beautiful to behold, And somebody should be told, That my libido hasn’t been controlled Now the only […]

Jade D Hammons |

The Dead Man’s Hand

Aces over Eights. A murder, a world war, a presidential assassination. What would you risk to satisfy your hatred? THE DEAD MAN’S HAND Power: Major Type: Created (Unique) Appearance: The […]

Jade D Hammons |

The Chaos Butterfly

Every ascension leaves something behind, this is one of those… somethings. THE CHAOS BUTTERFLY Power: Major Type: Natural Effect: This Artifact is a magical null-zone. Charges used in the vicinity […]

Jade D Hammons |

Quickie the club man

an example of a fast but useful character sketch Quickie the club man “daily maintenance baby !” he is rich from the club business not that the dance kind fool […]

TL |

English Roundabout

More crazy British civil engineering… Cost – 5 minor or significant charges Description – Any American who’s been to England has had to encounter at least one roundabout. An oddity […]

Punkey |