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Flushing ariport

For those campaigns in new york, but outside manhattan… An old abandoned airport with a silly name and some unusual finds inside. The picture right at the bottom is […]

Miniature Wicker Zombu |

Snap Bracelets

The best thing you don’t want to know about. So here’s how it happens… You’re in some kind of trouble, but you might not know what kind. All you know […]

Sonnlich |

Fenway Rising

What do you think will happen when 86 years of frustration gets uncorked? It’s happening, man. Eighty-six years, we’ve been waiting. The Curse of the Bambino has dogged us ever […]

Punkey |

Three More Little Ideas

Coincidence…or conspiracy? God Is In The Radio: A videomancer claims to have found the UHF frequency for the Stratosphere, and issues a few generic predictions based off of actions he […]

Punkey |

Just A Normal Message

Nothing to see here. As you can see this is quite simply a normal message. Nothing of interest is here at all. send help trapped in web page Why are […]

Punkey |

The Tongue of the Dragon

Some people will do anything for power… anything. Power: Significant Charges: 5 Some people will do anything for power; this ritual is further proof of that. Okay… you say you […]

Jade D Hammons |

The Offensive Shirt

The perfect gift for your local over-opinionated Duke. This a normal, somewhat washed-out black T-shirt, with a print on it. The print varies depending on who’s looking at it at […]

Lautrec |

The Blame Game

Now people who live in glass houses can throw rocks, well bricks. The Blame Game a.k.a. Hot Potato Power: Significant Cost: 2 Significant Charges Effect: Performing this ritual produces a […]

The Tim |


Eerily bland social climbers, with perfect homes, who can’t stand the thought of seeming strange. Suburbanomancy Nickname: Mundanes, Homebodies Despite the name, Suburbanomancers are not much like Urbanomancers. They don’t […]

TedPro |

The Anarchomancer.

Do as thou wilt, dude. AKA.Rebels, Deviants, Assholes. When everyone follows the rules and sticks to established social conventions, you get harmony, peace and tranquility. When you give all that […]

Simon Foston |