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The Necrotelenomicon

Need a safer way to contact the dead? Just let your fingers do the walking…. Alexander Konstantin, a Greek bibliomancer involved in the antiquities trade, came up with this method […]

Basilisk |


You get by, with a little help for your friends. Nickname: Buddies It’s like this: You, yourself, have no value. You’re a waste of air and skin, not fit to […]

mooshified |

The Vorophage

Out of the eater came something to eat And out of the strong came sweetness. Eating stands for power. Think of it: at its most primal, what is the definition […]

KriegsaffeNo9 |

Codependent Necromancy

Convincing people to hurt themselves to get necromantic power. Nickname: Enablers The world is teeming with beautiful, beautiful life, ripe for the harvest. Waiting for release. You tap into the […]

TedPro |


Inspired by pedant. A.K.A. Punks It started with your kid sister. Or maybe your best friend. Or your dog. Or maybe just your car. Somebody or something you cared about […]

Unknown_VariableX |


The Mold in the corner is looking at me… Mold resides in dank musty places; dingy run-down apartments, roadside motels, the bathroom of an tavern or the corner of the […]

Tim Bisaillon |

The Bloodspray Sword

An Epideromancer’s one-time weapon, now on its own in a big world. Power Level: Significant Alleged Cost to Create: 15 Significant Charges History of the Sword In the earliest years […]

Unknown_VariableX |


Fat Magick — Large and In Charge. At first, you ate only for pleasure. Why cut back, when you liked food so much? You have more fun by doing what […]

mooshified |

American Goth?

What was American GOthic really a painting of? A Harvard professor offers some observations on the art masterpiece “American Gothic.” Maybe they are disturbing. Maybe Dr. Biel is truly disturbed. […]

privateI |

Otherworld Excursions

Unknown Armies co-creator John Tynes and canon GMC Ken Hite are both working with a new group called Otherworld Excursions to offer unique travel/gaming events. If you just thought, “Huh?” […]

John Tynes |