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The Unquiet Tomb

It’s here and waiting for you. I hear there’s a reason why nobody’s ever come back from the Parisian catacombs–at least, once you go down far enough. There’s a lot […]

KriegsaffeNo9 |

Even more little story ideas

It’s really late and my brain is too full… We Will Become Silhouettes: Avatars of the Fool are annoying, but not generally dangerous, unless they get their hands on something […]

Punkey |

The Clockwork Globe

Spending a major charge for an automaton? Boring! Mechanomancy isn’t just about automata. This is something a really creative clockworker came up with. Where is it today? Who knows? Perhaps […]

Hatchet |

Monacle of What Once Was

A monacle with effects similar to Cliomancy’s Past Sight The monacle is currently in the hands of a clionmancer called Chantelle Depuis, who is a history lecturer at California University. […]

ervae |

Idle Conversation

There was no such day as Thursday until 1842. The gigantic Arch in St. Louis was built as a gateway to the West, alright; the dimensions were setup according to […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Still don’t belive in Magic?

320 people arrested for sorcery PORT MORESBY (Reuters) – Police in Papua New Guinea have arrested 320 people for practicing sorcery and religious cults, the National newspaper reported Thursday. Belief […]

SINselected |

EnchanterX – A Scam

EnchanterX2- They take your money and disappear Any of you thinking of purchasing ExchanterX2.0 system now hitting everyones email – this is what happened to me. Sent $97 got the […]

Spookygirl40 |