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Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires

Ground Zero joins Repair Man Jack. Volker and I went to visit Charles Nabber (AKA “Ground Zero”) on a Friday. “He gets down on Friday Nights. He appreciates the company.” […]

privateI |

Ground Zero

Repair Man Jack Forms His Cabal… I walked into the interrogation room with as little emotion as I could manage. It was old technique I’d picked up from years of […]

privateI |

Digital ain’t the start of things..

Relax, it’s all just ones and zeroes… So I was sitting back, helping beta-test the next big game… it’s gonna make millions, I’m buying stock in the company, and no, […]

InfinityWpi |


It’s an addiction that damages your body, and you pay for the privilege. The cancer wants to eat you and YOU LET IT. Ah, cigarettes. They’re glamorous, because movie and […]

Casca |

Original Recipe

The grey area between a foetus and a jelly baby You know jelly babies, right? Yeah, the little guys that pre-teens like to pull apart, or look really closely at […]

Qualia |

Der Fuhrer’s Facials

The greatest UA MacGuffin since the Knocking Box I think it speaks for itself. “Adolf Hitler is said to have at one time possessed the largest collection of nude paintings […]

The McK |

The Thief

Overshadowed by the Kleptomancer, and threatened by the Embezzler, the Thief Archetype still holds some power in the modern world. Attributes: For as long as man has had material possessions, […]

Unknown_VariableX |

A Softer World

A surreal webcomic brimming with UA ideas. This odd little webcomic mixes artful photos with nigh-poetic text. It’s not always funny in a conventional way, but it’s always interesting. Some […]

cybersluagh |

The Raptomancy

Some people just want to fly away. Nickname: Birdmen, Aerials, Dust-off Pilots. Mankind dreams of taking to the air. Not just mechanically, Boeing, Sikorsky and The Wright Brothers have that […]

privateI |