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The Bees

A down and out alcoholic finds a career where he least expected it. Huggy-Bear didn’t exactly strike me as the sort to work as an apiary. It wasn’t just that […]

privateI |

The Exterminator

Sometimes that sweet tooth can really make you the wrong type of enemies. I hate messes. I dislike parasites like Howard Hughes was afraid of germs. I have to clean […]

privateI |

The Apiary

It was hard to decide if this was an artifact or a new, fledgling cabal. History of the Apiary Homeless wanderer of Los Angeles, California, Huggy Bear, AKA Chuck, has […]

privateI |


Sometimes all you need is a second chance. Or third. Or fourth…. In a fairly typical mental institute somewhere in West Virginia, there are a few people who all have […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Postmodern Magic

Note the lack of a “k” I really don’t know what to think about this. Postmodern Magic – for real! I can only assume that UA is finally supplanting reality. […]

Famulimus |

Carnivale / UA

Into each generation is born a creature of light and a creature of darkness… Hey folks… so, I’ve decided to run a UA game based on the now-cancelled HBO show […]

Travis-Jason |

Help Keep Us Online

It’s time for our annual renewal of the web site hosting service. Each year I ask you to contribute to the hosting fees, as this site is not paid […]

John Tynes |

Fire, Water, Burn

An Old Booze-Hound Expires With One Last Grand Finale. I got lucky when Mackey checked out of The Bradon Manors Motor Lodge. He wasn’t the worst boozened old sod to […]

privateI |

Zombie dogs …

… and they plan to test this on humans soon … Boffins create zombie dogs By Nick Buchan of June 27, 2005 SCIENTISTS have created eerie zombie dogs, reanimating […]

Detective |