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Second Impact Syndrome 15

Chapter Fifteen: The Place Within The world was spinning, round and round and back again, twisting spirals in space like a tormented gyroscope. Ace couldn’t get his eyes to focus […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Mayor Claims He Was Abducted By Satanists

Mayor In Arkansas Says He’s Been Leading Double Life The weird part is that I think there’s a character in Mak Attax with this same backstory. CENTERTON, Ark. — […]

Doktor Anon |


Making contact with with strange. You are a perfect extrovert, open to the outside world. You welcome it. You love to meet strangers, and the stranger the better. But there’s […]

TedPro |

The Boy / Girl Next Door

The Devil You Know… Everybody knows at least one Boy or Girl Next Door. They’re the ones who everyone gets along with, everyone wants to see succeed, and hardly anyone’s […]

Travis-Jason |


A.K.A. Drill Fiends, Devil Dentists, Scrivellians (after the dentist from Little Shop of Horrors) (First, a note: I’d like to thank my dad, Dr. Norman R. Feldstein, D.M.D., for sharing […]

Travis-Jason |

Carbonic acid, alkiline snacks, and the Afterlife

Big things happen in threes, but I don’t like where this is going. Everyone knows Mikey briefly had omnipotent power, and used it to unmake all existence for […]

stange_person |


Order, a truly post-modern answer to entropomancy Ordomancy Order surrounds us and controls us. People stop at a red light when no one is around. Cops become different people when […]

magafish |

The Third Man

Do you ever remember the name of the guy who got the Bronze medal? Attributes: The Third Man is the embodiment of that guy who was right there on the […]

Zompire |