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The Exterminator

Sometimes that sweet tooth can really make you the wrong type of enemies. I hate messes. I dislike parasites like Howard Hughes was afraid of germs. I have to clean […]

privateI |

The Apiary

It was hard to decide if this was an artifact or a new, fledgling cabal. History of the Apiary Homeless wanderer of Los Angeles, California, Huggy Bear, AKA Chuck, has […]

privateI |


Sometimes all you need is a second chance. Or third. Or fourth…. In a fairly typical mental institute somewhere in West Virginia, there are a few people who all have […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Postmodern Magic

Note the lack of a “k” I really don’t know what to think about this. Postmodern Magic – for real! I can only assume that UA is finally supplanting reality. […]

Famulimus |

Carnivale / UA

Into each generation is born a creature of light and a creature of darkness… Hey folks… so, I’ve decided to run a UA game based on the now-cancelled HBO show […]

Travis-Jason |

Help Keep Us Online

It’s time for our annual renewal of the web site hosting service. Each year I ask you to contribute to the hosting fees, as this site is not paid […]

John Tynes |

Fire, Water, Burn

An Old Booze-Hound Expires With One Last Grand Finale. I got lucky when Mackey checked out of The Bradon Manors Motor Lodge. He wasn’t the worst boozened old sod to […]

privateI |

Zombie dogs …

… and they plan to test this on humans soon … Boffins create zombie dogs By Nick Buchan of June 27, 2005 SCIENTISTS have created eerie zombie dogs, reanimating […]

Detective |

Passer-by on the background

Have you ever thought about how many times you show up in pictures, every day? Think about all the tourists taking photos while you walk nearby, the surveillance cameras… Now […]

Oneiros |