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Fetus Swarms

Why you should be careful when you go dumpster diving near abortion clinics… What they are: Technically a kind of astral parasite, a fetusite (the name of an individual fetus […]

Miniature Wicker Zombu |

Emily’s rejection

Tell us we shouldn’t hate success. A few days back from whenever you want this item to appear, a great media event took place. A famous band, formed from members […]

Hyphz |

Captain Crunch’s Whistle

It shouldn’t work anymore, but… What it is: A simple plastic whistle, looking exactly like one that fell out of a box of cornflakes. Has “Crunch” written in raised letters […]

Hyphz |

High Rises or HELL Rises?

Ever wonder who the hell “Management” is? Alright, so you walk into an apartment building and you see pieces of paper on the wall saying things like “Please put your […]

Dionysean |

The “Real” World

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” -Philip K. Dick Here man, take a look at this. Normal salt shaker, right? Salt in it […]

Unknown_VariableX |

The Runaway

Sometimes you have to run – but you leave behind those who love you… The Runaway is fleeing something that she fears or abhors. She can often appear as a […]

Prydwyn |

The skinny on STOP signs

C’mon, tell me I’m wrong. Ever get pulled over by a cop for running a stop sign that you swear up and down wasn’t there a second ago? Hell, even […]

Faustus |

Of Friends and Family

What you risk is only one side of the coin. The other is what you risk it for. Wednesday, 3:15 PM “He shoots! He scores! He wins the game! WOOOOO! […]

Unknown_VariableX |