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Earth can be as giving as it can be irate. The Earth we know is a boat of cooling rock, floating slowly on a sea of molten iron. A nuclear […]

TedPro |

Second Chance

With just thirteen corpses, you too can bring the dead back to life. With just thirteen corpses, you too can bring the dead back to life. It’s fairly simple, as […]

Morris |

A Veritable Slew of Handy Artifacts

Magick isn’t always about dynamic struggles for power. Some of it is just… handy. Minor Artifacts Booster Shots: These small syringes are filled with Epideromancer Blood, fortified with mojo. When […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Holding Everybody Back

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean your physics are wrong. Hey, you know that one computer law thing? Every eighteen months or so the power of the chip doubles or […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Sword attack in Germany

A man wielding a sword has killed a woman and injured at least three other people during a service at a church in southern Germany. From the BBC: Police said […]

LOW Guppy |

The Pure One

Cleanliness is next to godliness. The idea of purity is old, but the idea that spiritual purity is different from physical purity is basically a modern invention. The idea of […]

TedPro |