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Jack Stillborn and his dog, Elbow

The cosmic cowboy and his trusty sidekick. He may not seem like much but Jack Stillborn once drank from the Fountain of Youth. Is he an Avatar of the First […]

Insect King |


The Unobtainable Harlot, The Sacred Whore, The Naked Goddess, The Objectified Object, The Priceless Prostitute, WECHBY – The Woman Everyone Can Have But You… Attributes: The Naked Goddess is an […]

Insect King |


A cabal or not a cabal, that is the question, or isn’t it? Or is it a parasitic psychic vortex or is it an arty vampiric Happening? The Chaoties or […]

Insect King |

Magic Bullet

Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t the Lone gunman but there was a Lone gunman! In some of the old masonic texts a few buddies of mine found a ritual called the […]

bennzbub |

Realistic Alignment Generator

Here is a link to a website that has an interesting “Realistic Alignment Generator.” I know UA doesn’t use alignment, but while screwing around I found this site and the […]

hairygumby |

W. Jethro Urkhart

It’s all about victims and their victims. Willis Adelaide Guthroe, Bradley Shaeffer, Robin Sebastian Munley, Seth Masters, Andrew Clarkston, Ferdinand Paulo de Salo, and Eric Monichs are all serving time […]

Insect King |

Marlene’s Lipstick

“One more kiss, dear!” She found it in the old villa where we had to hide… Back then. Things were tough, us being in deep trouble with some cabal guys… […]

reptile2k1 |

The Favoromancer

AKA Creditors, Doormats. There’s no kind of leverage more powerful than having someone in your debt. When you really put yourself out for another person, they’re always going to know […]

Simon Foston |

The Lunatic

There’s method in the madness. Attributes: The Lunatic fulfils all of our expectations of how “crazy” people behave. Virtually all of the avatars on the path of this archetype are […]

Simon Foston |

Wallace Jeppe

The lord of worms and his family… In 1985 a forty-year old travelling salesman arrived home on a Monday morning as he usually did after a week on the road. […]

Insect King |