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The Chicagoland Energy Trap

Ever wonder what makes those damn Chicagoland Urbanomancers so damn scary? I got this one friend with the Maks who’s a road geek, studies the history and layout of the […]

daniel lackey |

The Dukes of Harvard

New players on the scene in Boston are poking the Tiger…. Everybody who knows Dirk Allen fron Dick Nasty knows that Boston is under the thumb of one of the […]

Andrew Ellis Troubio |

The WTC Time Bomb

From Zero…to Ground Zero… The bound hands: True. The girders in the cross: True The picture recovered from the rubble: False. The guy that rode the debris down: True. He […]

Andrew Ellis Troubio |

Prince is, like, totally clued-in!

C’mon! He wanted to be called “The Artist,” fer chrissakes! The pop music performer, Prince, is obsessed with ascending as The Artist. He’s been fostering a reputation as an eccentric […]

Dan Bayn |

Another New UA2 Review!

Keep ’em coming! The more critiques and points of view we get out there about UA2, the more people are likely to get interested in the game. This new one […]

John Tynes |

New UA2 Review

There’s a new review of Unknown Armies 2nd Edition at We could really use more reviews of the game. If you have an hour to spare, consider writing […]

John Tynes |

A Ghost in the Machine

As told by Steve McMannon in the Hallowed Ground bar, Pine Vault, England. “Electronic securitys a pain in the arse right? Half the Dukes around have a way to twist […]

Atomic Fae |

Masonic Jars

A pair of supernatural surveillance tools. ————— Visionary Bottle Power: Minor Effect: Visionary bottles are supernatural video cameras. The user instructs the bottle when to start observing its surroundings. This […]

Menzoa |

Big-Money and Broke-Ass Plutomancy

Plutomancers capitalize on the cosmic meaning of monetary medium, but as a post-modern school, the meaning is subjective. Many plutomancers view the world from such a radically different context that […]

Menzoa |

Real Life for Constructs

The instructions are there, if you know where to look. It happens all the time in stories. The Velveteen Rabbit does it. So does Pinocchio. Pygmalion’s a slightly different case, […]

Rick Neal |