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Juliet Borgia

America’s foremost female illusionist. If Julia Scheff were the youngest of five children, or the only daughter, then maybe her parents would have paid more attention to her when she […]

Daniel R. Lackey |


Easy on the ears, handy with the cosmos. A.k.a. Mutes, Whispers. You don’t talk much anymore. Hell, you don’t talk ever, if you can help it. Or make any other […]

Michael Keenan |

UA 2E Character Sheet.

Hassle like no other to get one of these. It’s annoying, but as the old download link went kaput, I got the sheet itself out of the preview and uploaded […]

Sera |


The power of a broken heart. Weepy, whiny, lonely magick. Recusomancy AKA: Heartaches, Broken Hearts, Tearjerks You know the feeling of rock bottom? You can only go up, but that’s […]

ForgedinDakota |


A younger cousin of Mechanomancy. Electromancers, like clockworkers, build gadgets; most of the rules work similarly. However, instead of clockworks, an electromancer builds electrically powered devices. Unlike a clockworker he […]

Bicornis |

The Mad Prophet

a.k.a. …Who knows? Several possibilities, for an Archetype necessarily confusing and obscure (Firstly, props to TedPro’s Archetype as my inspiration for this.) Is there or isn’t there a Guy With […]

bsushi |

Christians In Revolt

So I was browsing this forum, laughing at silly Christians and silly atheists arguing over evolution again, and this Christian was accusing this atheist of uncritically believing in evolution out […]

Mr. Sluagh |

Celebrity Clonelord

What does Christopher Lee do when he’s not plotting to rule the world? Now, first of all, everyone knows the Screen Actor’s Guild has been the single most powerful force […]

stange_person |