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Three Cabals For Use

A short collection of organizations within the Occult Underground, one for each level of playing. Street-Level: The Red Eye Society – Nine P.M. flight. Departure from O’Hare, arrival wherever you […]

Patkin |


A mechanomancer’s turntable which is as dangerous as you would expect. DJ Kanada’s Theory of Everything could best be described as hyper-materialistic, as one would expect from an eccentric, overzealous […]

MessiahDave |

Troop 333

On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; […]

MessiahDave |

The Fortune Cookie Charm

A Neo-Orientalist Good-Luck Ritual Cost: 1 minor charge. This marginally useful ritual ensures that your fortune cookie fortune will come true. Some dukes compare this to buying a pack of […]

Mr. Sluagh |

You have 333 New Messages

People will say things to machines that they’d never dream of telling to a person. After all, it’s not like MessageBank is really listening… There’s a website – it’s kinda […]

Qualia |

Denis M. Enns, Ex-Godwalker of Gamblers

In any bet, there’s a winner and a loser. Enns was the loser. History: To look at Denis Enns now, you’d think he was just another broken-down heap of human […]

Patkin |

12-year-old Baby

A 12-year-old girl (14 now) with the mind and body of a six-month-old baby. Strange disorder no-one’s ever heard of, ever? If this doesn’t have the makings of something […]

MessiahDave |

The Self-Made Man

A path of independence and willpower, a road to loneliness and cruelty. (Credit where credit is due. Most of this, apart from the channels, are taken from Zagash’s Self-Made Man, […]

Chesterberg |

The Magus (2)

They are guarding all the gates and they are holding all the keys. (Credit where credit is due: Most of this is taken from URNOVI’s The Magus/The Hacker from back […]

Chesterberg |

Inter-Library Loan

In a way, it figures. According to the staff of the nearest public library, Unknown Armies cannot be accessed through inter-library loan. Not because no library is willing to send […]

Sage of Darkness |