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And you just thought that guy who never wanted to go to class was lazy… Slothomancers. They’re everywhere. He’s that buddy of yours who never wanted to do anything, that […]

Xathan |

Wish upon a Star

A risky magickal personal ad. Cost: 1 minor charge. Ritual Action: Buy the soundtrack to Disney’s Pinocchio. Has to be the original LP, but that isn’t hard to find on […]

Mr. Sluagh |


I can’t find my keys. Gnomes are the ghosts of lazy people who died with overwhelming guilt over mooching off someone for survival. They’re relatively harmless for revenants. For the […]

Mr. Sluagh |


Honey magic – a minor school for kitchen witches. Honey is powerful. The bees work magic in their honeycombs, and you take the waxy sweetness and refine the magic further. […]

TedPro |

Donald Ramses

Godwalker of the Savage and Dark King of the Beasts Powerful avatars know what it is to live a symbol. They know that the eddies and ripples of the collective […]

Qualia |


Not your average fire mages This was originally part of a set of semi-finished adept schools written to be stereotypically antistereotypical, fire as the healing life force, rather than the […]

Cal_Lous |


or: What they want you to believe Inspired by The Time Cube guy. You see, we know that belief creates a lot of magickal power. But the belief in something […]

Storyteller |