Latest issue ready to download. Hello to one and all! The 3rd issue of the Horror and Conspiracy gaming oriented E-Magazine Protodimension is ready to download at It is […]
Innocence Lost
A confused revenant imitates the Japanese kami of innocence and murders a child prostitute SUMMARY A confused revenant has turned himself into the image of Tarimoku, Japanese kami of innocence. […]
Avatar: The Musician
“Music expresses something that cannot be put into words and cannot remain silent” – Victor Hugo The Musician is dedicated to musical expression. Much like the Demagogue, this archetype is […]
Avatar: The Artist
“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world” – Albert Einstein “The secret […]
The Video Nasties
Keeping violence off the street and on the screen, where it belongs. There’s a small video store in Brooklyn that used to get a lot of business. It’s not so […]
Avatar of… something?
If he isn’t a godwalker, then he’s getting close. This kid could be the avatar of the Masterless Man, or maybe the Highwayman? In any case, his recent violent behavior […]
Avatar of the Good Samaritan
Good Samaritans are loosely based on the biblical parable: The Good Samaritan is the guardian and protector of the traveller. The tow truck driver that shows up just the […]
The House of Innocence
Every time a child loses their innocence, this is where it goes… The House of Innocence is a wonderful land where the innocence lost by children resides. The land itself […]
The Twilight Zone
A 1950’s campaign of fear, incongruity, and borderline madness. The Sleepers of the late fifties and early sixties had to work damn hard to make the era seem so boring. […]
Mak Attax sheet (excel)
A character sheet I made for my Mak Attax game I designed this sheet for an online Mak Attax game. I’d have liked to make a few spaces bigger (like […]