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In Which I Review Phonogram

In case you haven’t heard of it: Like many Unknown Armies fans, I’ve anticipated Phonogram ever since I heard of an upcoming comic about a dangerous, underground community of […]

MrSluagh |

Laws of Magick 6

Chapter Six: End of the Beginning The waitress looked attractive in some hard to define way, and Mitch found his attention diverted from the conversation the other guys were having. […]

Unknown_VariableX |


A minor sex-magic school. Nicknames: horndogs, whores Orgasm releases a fair bit of mystical energy, and orgasmancers can collect this energy and use it. Your own orgasm is not enough, […]

Bicornis |

yet more iconomancy idols

Johnny Carson, Christopher Reeves and Pope John Paul 2 My last batch of Idols. I was highly tempted to do Jacques Cousteau, but while his name and persona are recognised […]

Cal_Lous | Plot-in-a-line Thread

A pretty good selection of plot ideas for UA from the posters at

Moko |

Sugar and spice and all things nice; Part 4

Michelle again. Having trouble in the brain box. Britney fumbled, collapsed. Britney went quiet. Tried to help her… okay, no dice. Node Ice. Dough nice. Her flesh is in my […]

ervae |

Iconomancy Idol: Superman

The Man of Steel. The Last Son of Krypton. The Man of Tomorrow. Superman. (Spoilers within) “I stand for truth and justice, and the American way.” In the endless reaches […]

MessiahDave |

Iconomancy Idol: Superman

The Man of Steel. The Last Son of Krypton. The Man of Tomorrow. Superman. (Spoilers within) “I stand for truth and justice, and the American way.” In the endless reaches […]

MessiahDave |