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Sandra’s Back-Alley Abortion Kit

Making back-alley abortions 100% safe. ——— Power: Minor (single use) Effect: Allows a minimally-trained abortionist to perform the procedure with little pain and no complications. All the fetal tissue is […]

Menzoa |

Justin Timberlake

The Superbowl fiasco Justin Timberlake’s “little mistake” was no accident. He’s actually a member of the Fellowship of Bad Traffic, and an adept of their quirky school. He tried to […]

Reed |


The Devil roams Los Angeles for the morally unwary… but John Fist can help you out if you’re hunting for gear… at a reasonable price. JOHN FIST, OCCULT ADVENTURER Personality: […]

Insect King |

The Typewriter

A battered 1964 Royal Portable, it carries a terrible secret As chronicled in Hush, Hush, in 1966 Dirk Allen grabbed a swig from the Fountain of Youth and used the […]


a Drunk’s Ramblings

the day after for a dipsomancer OneMan is an island floating across the wide Sargasso Sea, just to the east of NoMan. Unity of purpose is tearing us apart, all […]

Jaculi |

Waking Up the House

Agents running wild are activating dormant Rooms of Renunciation… —— So, you know about those circles of Hell called the Rooms of Renunciation, right? Well, there’s some crazy devil-bitch working […]

Menzoa |

Room of Bad Influences (v2.1)

Do you know what you’re doing? ———- Premise: From the view of the Invisible Clergy, the vast majority of individuals are not aligned with any one Archetype above the others. […]

Menzoa |

Luther’s Nail

The nail Martin Luther used to post the 95 Thesis..and start the Reformation of Europe. Artifact Type: Major Description: It’s called a Nail, but it’s less a nail than an […]

Reed |

Unquiet Tomb

Explore some strange and spooky places in the northeastern United States. Unquiet Tomb . The webmistress and her companions have pictures and descriptions of all kinds of strange places. This […]

Trent Redfield |

How Hungry is the Hippo?

Losing your marbles is part of the game Tina Lovell had a bag of magic marbles. She kept them in her little velvet “notaworry” pouch. The poor girl found them […]

PerhapsEgo |