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Project Rebirth

TOP SECRET/EYES ONLY Send initiated… Encryption level DaVinci Bounce through servers-Langley:Anchorage:Seoul:Melbourne:Mumbai:Cairo:Glasgow:Washington Report: Terrorist threat to Project Rebirth It has come to the attention of the Department that a new terrorist […]

David K. Tormsen |

I Know My Occult Stuff, Man!

How to use your occult savvy or trivia skills regarding the Occult underground. I Know My Occult Stuff, Man! (Mind Skill) The character can roll to see if he recognises […]

Insect King |

Urban Veves

Know what those lines of weird script written on the sidewalk means? Maybe it’s best you didn’t. Cost: 3 significant charges (possibly more) Ritual Action: By using the hidden names […]

Mr Unlucky |

Ludificomancy II (Ludoscopy)

Alternative to Toshi’s adept school based on games. Ludificomancy (Ludoscopy) (Ludificomancy: Ludonautica, ludoscopy, Mancymancy, chaoscopy, straggling) (Ludificomancers: ludonauts, ludoscopy, mancies, stragglers) The human mind is built on recognising patterns and […]

Insect King |

Dead Receiver

Unnatural Geiger Counter ———— Power: Significant Effect: This radio is similar to the Crying Doll, but a bit less versatile and much less likely to draw strange looks. It produces […]

Menzoa |

A New Dawn

Lets hope this dude is just nuts. Calm down. I know this seems frightening, but its all for the common good. You see, we need to stop the end of […]

David K. Tormsen |

Orange Pylons

Ever wondered what those orange things really meant? Power: Minor. Effect: Disrupts the flow of existing traffic lanes, by coercing the drivers to subconsciously ‘forget’ the existence of the original […]

Mr Unlucky |


Life is just a game. Who cares if you die? You still have 3 life left . . . (please bear with me, this is my first post) Ludifico – […]

Toshi |

The Next Man

A man attempting to ascend as the most important archtype of them all. Down in Texas there was a duke who was thinking about starting up as an avatar with […]

M121 |

The Mechano-Terrorist

You didn’t think the only Occult Undergrounds were in the West, did you? Do their sunglasses have X-ray vision? Of course they do. The Americans have all sorts of modern […]

David K. Tormsen |