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Cat’s Eye Ring

A ring that is fashionable even after death. A type of ring with “CATS EYE” carved into it begins appearing as a popular fashion accessory. The ring is a solid […]

korik1 |

Red Bull gives you wings

The adverts weren’t kidding… Cost: 2 significant charges Ritual: Slit the throats of seven falcons . Daub a male buffalo with their blood, thus painting him red. Slit his throat, […]

omegonthesane |

Beyond Matter

An Unknown Armies Cosmology (This is an attempt to create a unified cosmology of Otherspaces for Unknown Armies. I think of the whole thing as being an alternate setting, more […]

VengeanceTheDog |

Pictures of Urban Decay

A link to many pictures of the urban decay in Detroit. Fodder for UA settings and story ideas! Haunting Images of Detroit’s Decline

Ray |


helping others adepts to help yourself Nicknames : helpers, metas, batteries. You never had any magic. You had heard rumours about the Occult Underground. You hoped there was more than […]

belkal |


The law is the law and you are its hand and its agent. Of course, judgment is your prerogative, and of course, this righteousness grants you strength and sureness of […]

TedPro |

Protodimension Issue 7 now available

Latest issue ready to download for free 74 pages of horror gaming related goodness this time around, featuring material for Call of Cthulhu, Dark Conspiracy and some more Cold City […]

Lee Williams |

Griffin and Sabine

The Gate is open… Some years ago, Nick Bantock wrote a trilogy of books about characters called Griffin and Sabine, lovers who meet by corresponding through letters and postcards, and […]

Travis-Jason |