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The Pornographer

Making money out of sex. Attributes: If the Naked Goddess embodies desire, then the Pornographer embodies the desire to make money out of it. Every pimp, brothel madam, harem master […]

Simon Foston |

The Emperor

Might IS Right. Attributes: Also known as the Warlord or the Conqueror, the Emperor embodies military genius, ambition and Herculean self-confidence. He is an inspired leader capable of incredible conquests, […]

Simon Foston |

The Phobomancer

Fear-based Magick. Summary: There are very few motivating forces that are as potent and insidious as fear, and Phobomancy, in one form or another, has been around for a long, […]

Simon Foston |

The Thin Black Duke

A Boston-area criminal entrepeneur and Entropomancer, who gets his kicks from the dangers presented by other people. He goes by more than one name in the streets of Boston, but […]

Bryant |

Sniffing Ghosts

Forget all the mediums you find in the classifieds. They’re crap. There’s just one guy in town who is the genuine article, and he doesn’t advertise. This one person, the […]

Robin |

The Doll

A little thing I wrote about a man and his dead daughter. The Doll By Tim Akers I dream of angels and wheels, and of a picnic on a summer […]

Shadoth |

Mak Attack branching out?

Is the Mak Attack group branching over into other forms of retail bussiness to help push thier goals? From a report there has been news of interesting developments on the […]

PeterAmthor |

The Demourgist

The Magic of Democracy and the People History: Although some practitioners of Demourgy attempt to trace it back to classical Athens and early Republican Rome, this school is a child […]

Sean Holland |

Coke Bottle Glasses

It’s the Real Thing The Coke Bottle glasses are an extra thick pair of black horn rimmed eye glasses. Looking through them without wearing them shows the world as distorted […]

Patrick Reitz |

The Ashes of Dr. Frank Kergad

A cliomancer’s failed attempt at immortality. Rumors float around the occult underground about a urn full of ashes, that, when ritually smoked, imparts great wisdom, power, or knowledge on the […]

Nick L. |