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The Artisan

The Master Craftsman. The Maker of Wonders. Cannabimancy may be offshoot of Narcoalchemy or Dipsomancy, or both, or it may have just started independently and grown to resemble those schools […]

Mr. Sluagh |


Negative Iconomancy Iconomancers juice up off of the love, adoration, and respect paid to the great fallen by the mass of humanity. Fools. Irascimancers, sucking in all the negative energy […]

John Q. Mayhem |

Couple of Irascimancers juicing up with the help of their kids

Adolf Hitler Campbell? Really? A family has named their kids JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell and Adolf Hitler Campbell. Recently, they’re raising a stink because a […]

John Q. Mayhem |

Romeo and Juliet/Ed and Jocelyn

A failed ascension… …so, while we are waiting for our food– and, yes, this time you are paying, just like last time. I’m not giving out my information for free, […]

Blupe |

Dementomancy Revised

An over-hauled and reimagined version of my original idea. A.k.a. Nutters, Freudians, Shrinks. The school of Dementomancy has infamously messy origins. It first started as a result of other kinds […]

Michael Keenan |

The Power of Polaroid

Polaroid is no longer making instant film. What could this mean for the Occult Underground? This is the last production month of Polaroid film for their instant cameras. It’s […]

Caesar Salad |

The Disappointment

With great failure comes… great responsibility? Description:Some of this worlds most important responsibilities come with little concern for consent. Fatherhood sneaks up on the best of us, what about the […]

ForgedinDakota |

Just one bad day.

“You had a bad day once, am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed.” This is a mod that cranks […]

bsushi |

The Fighter

a.k.a. The Opponent, The (Insatiable) Challenger For many, a road is simply a way to reach an end. For Fighters, the road is the addiction. They find themselves in the […]

bsushi |