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Square marbles

In case you want to confuse your players. (Note: “Square marbles” is an existing hungarian group. I’m hungarian, and even I have no idea what the f*ck they’re rambling about. […]

Hatchet |

Life Cereal

Cosmic Cereal. “Give it to Mikey”, they said. “He hates everything.” They were right. Mikey DID hate everything. Everything. Rice Krispies. Cupcakes. Rain clouds. Kittens. Electrons. Mikey hated everything, and […]

MessiahDave |

The New Colossus

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! For the past 20 years, The Statue of […]

MessiahDave |

The Statue that never was

But sure is now! The old man smiled. “So you youngsters think you know everything, huh? Just because you can sling a few spells, well that doesn’t make you rulers […]

Hatchet |

The Nanomancer

It’s the little things that sometimes make all the difference… AKA: Bottom Feeders, Dust-Gatherers, Molecules, Bug-eaters. In 1959, eminent physicist Richard Feynman gave a lecture entitled “There’s Room at the […]

privateI |

Iconomancy Variant?

Ready grew exasperated. “Look,” he said. “If you asked the Doughboy if he wanted to do that commercial, he’d say no. He’d say, ‘I just want to talk about my […]

Mr. Sluagh |

There’s a Charge waiting here…

for a dipsomancer willing to find and drink a glass of this rum. I think corpse flavored rum counts as a “unique beverage”. The article notes specifically that they decanted […]

LOW Guppy |


One of those apprentices out to avenge the death of their mentor. To understand the man called Tron, it’s necessary to understand the woman who taught him magick and the […]

Unknown_VariableX |

The Japanese Occult Underground

Let’s write a sourcebook together! Kids and peoples, I’m on this board under a new name (don’t worry about it–some of my stuff is in here, but I’ve been gone […]

Nate R. |