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Superstitious people are often afraid of crows. Heralds of bad tidings, so goes tradition. But then, that sort of thing isn’t real, now is it? Cornixomancers are obsessed with crows. […]

Devonte |

The Monster – final mix

What does it profit a man to acquire the world and forfeit his soul? –Book of Mark, chapter 8, verse 36 “Nuthin’ worse than a monster who thinks he’s right […]

VandalHeartX |

Promethean Ice

A new Significant Work from the Narco-Alchemists Promethean Ice – 3 Days’ Work. Promethean Ice is what happens when Narco-Alchemists get hold of crystal meth. When taken, the user can […]

Waparius |


A minor school based on waking people up. Magic is a product of human consciousness, and the moment when that spark of consciousness appears is the starting point for all […]

waitingforgodzi |

The Blind Seer

“If any man sees eye to eye with our lord Phoebus, ’tis our prophet, lord Teiresias.” Attributes: You know you want to believe it. Those who are struck with great […]

W. Senter |

The Avenger

Doing unto others as they have done unto you – a revamp of the Fallen Angel. Attributes: It is natural law that for any force, there is an equal and […]

HeroTwo |

The 7 Creepiest Old School Robots lists 7 pieces of archaic clockwork. Perfect inspiration for old-school Mechanomancy — just the sorts of things to steal for a major charge.

Doktor Anon |