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The Robber – Barron (Wigan-Era)

“Greed…, is Good.” – Gordon Gecko There are people in the world just like sharks. They must always swim forward perpetually, feeding on anyone in their path, or else they […]

privateI |

John Dies at the End

A guy, another guy, soy sauce, a bunch of jerks, and reality-scouring wig-monsters from another dimension. You know, very postmodern. The seminal online novel, available for your purusal and […]

KriegsaffeNo9 |

Germ of an idea for someone

Could the levees breaking be a blow to Mak Attak? Or a turning point? NOLA, like any other cities, has Scotsman branches. Most likely, any Attakers worked there, had their […]

Tara |

The Savage

“I hunt therefore I am.” The savage is man at his primitive best. Uncluttered by the cynicism, sedentary lifestyle and the postmodern ennui of daily existence, this human reaches ultimate […]

privateI |


Fighting monsters by being one. Nicknames: whackjobs, targets They’re putting one over on us. They’re trying to keep us in the dark, but you know the real truth. Maybe you […]

Person404 |

Creepy Evil Child

“I met this six-year-old child, with this blind, pale, emotionless face and, the blackest eyes… the Devil’s eyes.” – Dr. Sam Loomis The Creepy, Evil Child. The remorseless child killer […]

Epiwhosiwhattsi |

The Thief, version 2.0

With a little more thought put into it. Attributes: For as long as man has had material possessions, there have been those who have tried to seperate him from said […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Doug “The_Eagle” Eagleton

Trolling the Mak Attax list for predators. Doug Eagleton, on the surface of it, is your stereotypical survivalist nut. Give him the chance and he’ll rant and rave about the […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Nisse Lätts Eye

“Krutgubbe” , lit. (gun)Powder(old)man; “A person, usually an old man who is unusually active and aggressive for his old age”. This is about a Krutgubbe’s glass eye… First of all; […]

rekyl |