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Griffin and Sabine

The Gate is open… Some years ago, Nick Bantock wrote a trilogy of books about characters called Griffin and Sabine, lovers who meet by corresponding through letters and postcards, and […]

Travis-Jason |

The Hippie

Turn on, tune in, drop out. “I just saw a double rainbow!” The Hippie has rejected the 9-5 values that strangle most of America. He categorically rejects corporate America, instead […]

moonbeam |

The Slut

The spark from bounteous sensuality colliding with discriminating comradeship. Attributes: The Slut is easy. Easy to get a long with. Easy to please. Easy to trust. And easy to be […]

Cazady |

Looking for submissions

Protodimension magazine seeks material Greetings once again! Protodimension magazine is looking for submissions. If you have anything in the horror & conspiracy gaming genre that you would might like us […]

Lee Williams |

Protodimension Issue 6 now available

Fall issue available Yes indeed! Protodimension Magazine Fall Issue is now available for download from the usual place: This time around we have a modern-era Call of Cthulhu adventure […]

Lee Williams |

Avatar: The Hipster

He who is too cool Avatar: The Hipster “I knew about them BEFORE they went underground. Now YOU know about them.” Attributes: The hipster is the one who is too […]

The Artificial Fool |

Velvet Chill

Miroslaw Balka’s black hole at Tate Modern is terrifying, awe-inspiring and throught-provoking. It embraces you with a velvet chill. The latest commission in The Unilever Series How It Is by […]

Faethor |

Bimbo mind control

Wisdom from the mouth of Babes? While perusing that esteemed UK gutter tabloid “The Sun” and glancing furtively at the page three stunner I happened to read the models comments. […]

Faethor |


The daily grind is for slackers… AKA BusyBodies, Salarymen, Stiffs, some folks who know a lot about Platonism or Gnosticism call these guys “Private Workers”, to the confusion of pretty […]

pheeed |