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Venerable Hanz, Zen Annihilomancer

An anomaly amongst the Sternos of California Venerable Hanz appears to have found the middle way of Annihilomancy. Some time ago Hanz came over from Germany to partisipate in the […]

Danthulhu |

The WoWmancer

If an adept’s power is fueled by obsession, what more obvious object for fascination is there? The world we live in is a lie. Most adepts agree on this, but […]

Bibliomantic |

21st Century UA

A sample of something I’ve been working on to bring the game into the modern era, and a call for assisstance Obviously, if you’re reading this, you think UA is […]

aoshia |

The Orchid In Winter

An average romance novel is abnormally compelling to some people. The Orchid In Winter by “L. L. Kindress” is a romance novel published a few years ago by White Bay […]

Ben-San Arizona |

Future UA stuff?

Unknown Armies going forth in new hands, or rather everyone’s hands. For those of you who care, there may be some hope for future material, but not in the way […]

LiquidXlr8 |

The Secret Knots

A comic rife with the right kind of inspiration. Recently, the comforting ghosts that surround us, a director who directs his own cinematic love affair, a man who glimpsed into […]

Smajie |