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How to make Truth

Just Shake and Bake… The way you make facts is you shake em up in this here Pan-American Airlines barf bag, take some raw information, pour it out on the […]

David K. Tormsen |

Lustfull Weapon

What exactly did she have in that briefcase…. Lustful Weapon “What’s her name again? April?” “July,” Pike said snapping photos as she walked across the park. She didn’t look the […]

Chad_Eagleton |

Mysterious MSN Messenger

Open the Gates of Time and Space. Bill Gates, that is. Ever had this happen to you? I’m sitting on the computer, surfing around, and then suddenly all the websites […]

David K. Tormsen |

Grave Pact.

Ever needed to go astral without being a boozehound? Now you can! Hangovers killer though. Power:signifigant Charges:6 This little baby was first practiced by mayan priests, or so they say. […]

M121 |


You want to know what I saw, huh? Trust me. You’ve seen them. You can be walking to the bus, and it’ll be there, watching you from a sewer drain. […]

Mr Unlucky |

My name is Stan

A monster can live and work and enjoy life, just like the rest of us Hi, my name is Stan, I work at McDonalds and I’m a troll. I came […]