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The Lodge of the Red Dragon

A loosely-organised assortment of mostly clueless English Arthurian enthusiasts. The Lodge of the Red Dragon. The Dragon Lodge, as it’s more commonly called, was founded in Bristol, England, in the […]

Simon Foston |

The Lodge of the Chapel Green.

A hive-mind cult of very, very drunk people. The Lodge of the Chapel Green consists of about twenty adepts, based in the city of Bristol in England. To most people, […]

Simon Foston |

Fall of a Sparrow

A UA convention scenario, complete with PCs. Originally run at Warpcon X. Somewhat dated by its reliance on the millenium, but can be mined for ideas. Download from

Gar |

Kind Hearts & Coronets

Bringing out the Dead if it were written by Tim Powers, or a cheap knockoff of Tim anyway. A Miami-based UA con scenario, complete with PCs. Originally run at Leprecon […]

Gar |

Carcosa, NJ

Six fairly clueless thugs blunder into the occult side of Atlantic City. A UA con scenario, including PCs, originally run at Gaelcon 2000. Download from

Gar |

Viva Atomic City

Eamon Honan & Meg Hilko’s Unknown Armies scenario concerning the events when a bunch of horny high school teenagers decide to hang out in Los Alamos canyon. Meantime, a festival […]

Gar |

St Caecilian is back!

The order of St. Cecil has a bit of help from beyond the veil. St. Caecilian of Sargossa, the ancient martyr who founded the order of St. Cecil is still […]

Nick Wedig |

The Comte keeps a diary…

…but it’s not easy to find. Of course he does. Wouldn’t you? I’m mean, I’m sure that immortality has its advantages, but after just a few hundred years it’s got […]

John C. |

Ghosts and Pneuma

Mechanics for Catching, Growing and Caring for the Newly Dead. Also 101 things to do with the immortal soul you just sniffed. Taken from the novels of Tim Powers and […]

Gaston Phillips |