A small collection of handy, everyday artifacts to make your day a little more interesting. Created by a duke who, for some reason, goes by the name Darc Discordia, Discordia’s […]
Capitol G
What’s that letter mean, anymore? The classic Masonic icon is the square and compass, with a letter G in the center. It stands for God, or Geometry, or Gatorade. There […]
The OuterSpace
The Way Space Should Have Been…..With Air And Whales The Way Space Should Have Been…..With Air And Whales An otherspace Entry: Put on a helmet with a face visor(you could […]
Vending Heaven
But what to ask for? You were just staring at the vending machine trying in vain to find that one thing you really wanted but it was not to be […]
My Way Killings
Karaoke too deadly to be mundane http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/07/world/asia/07karaoke.html?th&emc=th Makes me think of “DUI- Driving While Infatuated” from Break Today. Looks like not all magickal effects pumped into songs are benevolent…
Shackleton’s Whisky
Shackelton’s Whiskey Discovered http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/8364035.stm http://outside.away.com/outside/culture/200912/ernest-shackleton-lost-whiskey.html http://veracitystew.wordpress.com/2010/02/05/rare-100-year-old-whiskey-discovered-in-antarctica/
The Accepted Homosexual
They want to be as “normal” as the next guy The Accepted Homosexual Attributes: The Accepted Homosexual wants to be a part of society. He (or she) wants to be […]
Lycanthropy Curse
Somebody went and did it, presumably after watching one too many late-night movies. They created a ritual to inflict lycanthropy on someone. Cost: 4 Significant Charges Ritual Action: Firstly, start […]
The Drunken Jedi
Each drink of alcohol brings him that much closer to the Force… Darren Smith, Jedi fanatic Most people consider Darren either a joke or a nuisance. He hangs around in […]
The Lost Crown
Proof that nobility is all in the blood. Cost: 2 significant Charges Effect: Simply, this ritual makes the caster part of the nobility. Any and all magick rituals, esoteric effects […]