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Never pay income taxes again. Cost: Eight minor charges. Ritual Action: Take a $10 bill and write the full text of the 16th amendment to the US Constitution on it. […]

MLowell |

The Infernomancer

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. When something is incinerated, it is not destroyed, but transformed into something greater; transcended into ash and smoke. You are what you burn. AKA […]

Wratts |

The Mad Scientist v.2.0

Better late than never. Description: The Mad Scientist is a fairly recent archetype, younger than many of the best known, such as the Fool or the True King, but older […]

Unknown_VariableX |

I smell a Maternomancer…

German woman killed nine newborn babies over ten years. She did it while drunk no less, sounds like a narco-alchemist was involved. Could also be a dipsomancer who was […]

LOW Guppy |

Do it yourself

A failed rpg supplement or an occult key to unlock your own private creation? The word is that there is a book that holds the secret on how to create […]

Plysbjorn |

Neil Plattner, Piscine Mageekian

Neil Plattner wants very, very much to be a fish… Neil Plattner in His Own Words: I’ve always been fascinated by fish. They simply fascinate me. How they organize themselves, […]

MLowell |

Vicky Voodoo

A voodoo doll that is not just a tool, but an accomplice. The tale of this artifact starts with a proper Victorian lady in London who, via her husband, got […]

Bicornis |

Ascendant Cuckoldry

Another minor school. The “other woman” (or “other man”) as magical parasite. Nickname: Homewreckers The most powerful and important ritual in most people’s life is the wedding. Fuelled by love […]

TedPro |

New Adept School: Poemamancy

A school of magic, including the adept spells, based on the perception of Utopia in accordance to the player. The adept changes the world around them to make it better, […]

Xathan |