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The “Special Relationship”

Just why is the relationship between America and Britan so strong? In Alexandria, there used to stand a pair of columns, put up in 1600 B.C.E. One fell down, and […]

Menzoa |

Saddam vs Bush

A godwalker war? The Shah of Iraq was the godwalker of the true ing back inte the days. He had the title, he had the land, he had the birthright. […]

Mattias |

Pornomancy Variant

(AKA Sluts) Power through sex, not through mimicry. Author’s note: this was inspired by the sex sequence in Gaiman’s “American Gods”, in which a (fertility?) goddess was trying to regain […]

thanthos |

Weird stuff yard sale.

Ten bits of weirdness showing off the upset stomach of reality. WEIRD STUFF YARD SALE. Weird stuff characters can find in cupboards, chests, glove compartments, and dead bodies, in secret […]

Insect King |


Rumours from the neighbourhood. My next door neighbour is a fashion model; you’ve seen her she was on the cover of Cosmo. She’s the one that wears no panties and […]

Insect King |

Rumours from Africa

The Lost Gardens In deep Soweto, the squatters have reconstructed the Hanging Gardens of Babylon hidden beneath garbage bags and foil wrappers. No white man can enter.

Insect King |

Power Struggle

It’s coming closer, only five can enter… Hey That Big meets going down at Ol’ Green Hill tonight. Yea in ontario.. Now I hear its going to be this magickal […]

The Code

It’s what you get when you take a set of magickal showdown finalists, and stick em in the same room. (This can kinda be used as a result of winners […]

real truths …. that everyone knows

There’s a word that can work more magic than any other. Names have power, sure, but this …. this is the *real* deal There is one word that can work […]

Alcar |

Get yer gun, angus, we’re huntin’ kids

The real greenhouse effect You gotta wonder about them greenhouse gasses. All the stuff about the enviroment a-changing and how we’re doing it. The techies don’t get it – we […]

Alcar |