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The OuterSpace

The Way Space Should Have Been…..With Air And Whales The Way Space Should Have Been…..With Air And Whales An otherspace Entry: Put on a helmet with a face visor(you could […]

fhtagn |

My Way Killings

Karaoke too deadly to be mundane Makes me think of “DUI- Driving While Infatuated” from Break Today. Looks like not all magickal effects pumped into songs are benevolent…

dangerousdame |

Shackleton’s Whisky

Shackelton’s Whiskey Discovered

Blupe |

The Lost Crown

Proof that nobility is all in the blood. Cost: 2 significant Charges Effect: Simply, this ritual makes the caster part of the nobility. Any and all magick rituals, esoteric effects […]

M121 |

The Drunken Jedi

Each drink of alcohol brings him that much closer to the Force… Darren Smith, Jedi fanatic Most people consider Darren either a joke or a nuisance. He hangs around in […]

Owldragon |

Lycanthropy Curse

Somebody went and did it, presumably after watching one too many late-night movies. They created a ritual to inflict lycanthropy on someone. Cost: 4 Significant Charges Ritual Action: Firstly, start […]

Basilisk |

The Accepted Homosexual

They want to be as “normal” as the next guy The Accepted Homosexual Attributes: The Accepted Homosexual wants to be a part of society. He (or she) wants to be […]

vanAdamme |

Innocence Lost

A confused revenant imitates the Japanese kami of innocence and murders a child prostitute SUMMARY A confused revenant has turned himself into the image of Tarimoku, Japanese kami of innocence. […]

vanAdamme |

Avatar: The Musician

“Music expresses something that cannot be put into words and cannot remain silent” – Victor Hugo The Musician is dedicated to musical expression. Much like the Demagogue, this archetype is […]

Owldragon |