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Luck and the End of History

Forget Nostradamus! Past and future alike are wrought in the medium of marbits. The four initial symbols correspond to plant and animal life, and the static and cyclical elements of […]

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The Antietam Folder

I’ll Take a Publicity Shit-Storm To Go Please…. “I hate Mickey-D’s.” Specialist Cromwell complained. “It no longer even rates with the chow hall.” “So you signed up ‘cuz you were […]

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The Kind Herb

Think of it as preventive medicinal marijuana This ritual supposedly invokes the spirit of Kali to protect all generous people from their enemies. What it really does is enchant a […]

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The Black-Lacquered Pill Case

Pills that can become addictive! This devise has started more than one or two brushfire occult wars. It allows people to take charge pills – for a price. It consists […]

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The Kind Herb

Think of it as preventive medicinal marijuana This ritual supposedly invokes the spirit of Kali to protect all generous people from their enemies. What it really does is enchant a […]

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John Smith

A man that just wanted out John smith was born of a pair of adepts working for the sleepers He was found at a young age to have a great […]

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More Narco-Alchemy Works

Newly approved by the FDA The Deja View This work, when taken, causes the user to vividly experience a single memory in crystal clarity. It feels to them as though […]

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A minor sub-school of Narco Alchemy that uses the mixing of alcoholic cocktails to change the drinkers state of mind. Known as Mixologists This minor sub-school of N-A deals with […]

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