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Bucket of Truth

The horrible Truth in a handy-dandy container… Power: Major Effect: Looking directly in the bucket reveals the Truth… This can be used to discover a particular fact, but it always […]

Menzoa |

Adept Poetry

Combine Obssession, Symbolic Logic and the Occult Underground, and this is probably what you get. My Door by Trevor Daze, Mathematician and Bodybag The forgotten ship on the shore of […]

Unknown_VariableX |


Let’s hope it wasn’t made my Micro$oft. Check this out: Naturally, we all know what can happen when you play with fire. Either you get warm, or you’re coal.

Storyteller |

The Tale of Cora Woodfin

A man recalls his first encounter with a member of the Occult Underground Let me begin by saying that I’m a dog-person. Like the guy in that movie said, dog-people […]

Encryptshun |


An adept wrestles with sleep deprivation, cosmic musing, and termites. It’s three in the morning. At least, that’s what the clock says. There’s a sleepwalker downtown, lives above Johnny Danger’s […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Martial Artist

My kung-fu is stronger than yours. This archetype bears resemblance to the Warrior. Like he, Martial Artist has dedicated his life to violent combat. Unlike Warrior, Martial Artist doesn’t hone […]

Panu Nahka |

Ritual gone wrong?

Exploding toads baffle scientists Check this out. Someone in Hamburg needs Aramaic pronunciation lessons or something. What bothers me is this: what would have happened if it had worked?

Ludomancer |

The Unlikely Superheroes

Think “Team Salvation” on a lot of highly illegal substances. When you talk to most people about superheros today, you don’t always find a super opinion of them. The modern […]

Unknown_VariableX |


Because Master told me to, that’s why. AKA subs, willing slaves The practise of slavery is no longer as common as it once was. It is said that the Roman […]

Regis2001 |


One way to keep a plutomancer off yours… Power: Minor Cost: 1 minor charge Ritual Action: Take a penny and shove it up your ass. Go to sleep. Take the […]

Menzoa |