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Elemental Magick

Re-inventing the wheel? In a PostModern Fashion? Surely you jest. While the present day obssession magick schools tend to delve into common aspects of life, some of the old ways […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Macy Andrews

Love hurts… but the Bastard had it coming! Love is a funny thing, some people get lost in it, and wind up in twisted and brutally difficult relationships. Other find […]

What Have You Heard?

Snippets of conversation from that creepy dive bar on Walnut Street. -There’s a problem with the city zoo. Remember when Lucky Eddie tried to charge up by playing around in […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Creepy Weirdness in Florida

Super weird apocalyptic cult in Florida This is too creepy for even the UA crowd!!

Texas Star |

The Unknown Soldier

An archetype shrouded in obscurity, but the truth is much stranger. The Archetype The avatar underground talks. People who are curious about the Invisible Clergy connect. They’re curious about the […]

TedPro |

The Knife that Drinks

Not to be confused with the ritual of the same name. The origin of the knife is completely unknown, which is a good thing, seeing as having just one of […]

Morris |

The Snake

“‘Oh, shut up, silly woman,’ said the repitle with a grin. ‘You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.’” The Snake is a sociopath, sincerely […]

TedPro |

Mac Attax Crew In Woodville,Texas?

Did I get a Special Order? While eating lunch at the Woodville, Texas branch of the Scotsman, I felt the touch of the OU. See I was pondering the effects […]

Texas Star |

The Bandaged Man

Who knows what ridiculous witticisms lurk in the hearts of men? For the most part, certain large cities draw magick like ducks to old people with bread. There are many, […]

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