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Iconomancy Idol: Superman

The Man of Steel. The Last Son of Krypton. The Man of Tomorrow. Superman. (Spoilers within) “I stand for truth and justice, and the American way.” In the endless reaches […]

MessiahDave |

Iconomancy Idol: Superman

The Man of Steel. The Last Son of Krypton. The Man of Tomorrow. Superman. (Spoilers within) “I stand for truth and justice, and the American way.” In the endless reaches […]

MessiahDave |

Astral Hopper

A gateway to the astral plane. Just don’t stay too long and make sure your enemies can’t find your body. Cost: 3 significant charges Ritual Action: Take a nail from […]

Fathomir |


When you help others, you can’t help helping yourself. You’re here to help. Generate a minor charge: Help someone in need, without compensation. It can be a friend or a […]

TedPro |

Laws of Magick 5

Chapter Five: Orders of Magnitude Mitch tried very hard to split his attention. While it was very important to keep his eyes on the opening tube that held what might […]

Unknown_VariableX |

The Jackass Shirt

For all those Foolish dukes out there, this one comes right off of Knoxville’s back. Literally. The inspiration came to me while I was writing up a Fool GMC and […]

Fathomir |


Another take on the magick of memes. Most people get their kicks from celebrity and general ownership of the cool things they do or say. Not you, though – you […]

Jocelyn Robitaille |


Ever wonder why there is occasionally all this garbage about killer bees infiltrating America and killing people? Ok I heard this from a friend of mine who spent a few […]

El Malo |

Sugar and spice and all things nice, Part 3

The Sisters part 3, making friends in Miami At first I didn’t like Miami. I wasn’t too keen on the plastic fantastic superficiality and the rich get richer mentality. However, […]

ervae |