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Extra Time

When the Clock stops sometimes I don’t. Have you ever been sitting in a room by yourself and the clock stops? The room goes really still and you wonder what […]

bennzbub |

Words of the crazies.

Don’t listen to the crazy people on the street. They are too often right. Just ’cause magick’s not physical dosen’t mean it don’t have mass. Use too much mojo and […]

M121 |

Lana Ritdone

Just another magickly obsessed adept. Lana always loved magic. Even when she had to hide her stuff before it got burned by her well-meaning family she loved it. She was […]

M121 |

Triumph of the Will

Not all Videomancers waste their charges on having sex with Buffy… Hey, man, I used to work at the television studio downtown. You know, they broadcast the local news every […]

David K. Tormsen |

Premature Reincarnation

4 childhoods 2 adolescancys and next year i wont quite die. the first time i remember it i was nine. My brother Pete was six. He was a weird kid […]

bennzbub |

Unknown Fudge

Just Fudge it. I have put together (another) Fudge conversion of Unknown Armies (1st edition). You can get it from my homepage at The exact location of the file […]

reptile2k1 |

Iconomancy Idol: Johnny Cash

The Man in Black rides forever… Born February 26 1932 in Kingland, Arkansas, the country-western singer would be an icon in his own right, even before his Ascension — to […]

Mr Unlucky |

Black Holes’ Birth

Fun fact about your friendly balls of flaming nothingness. Black holes are created when you realize the nature of their singularity, the center of their physical existence. See, when you’ve […]

Daniel Solis |


Thought Mulholland Drive was “just all about a dream sequence”? Think again… (SPOILER WARNING) Many theories have been put forward about what might be the real meaning of David Lynch’s […]

Travis-Jason |