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GOD files defence in court

Man files law suite against GOD, GOD responds Apparently the only way to get a response out of GOD is to sue HIM.

vagina = fun! |

The Slasher

Killers of the silver screen come to life Brutal serial killers are a uniquely American Phenomenon. It’s little wonder that their iconic status in the national psyche rivals and surpasses […]

bsushi |

The Slasher

Killers of the silver screen come to life… Brutal serial killers are thought to be a uniquely American Phenomenon. It’s little wonder that their iconic status in the national psyche […]

bsushi |

Little-known fact

Some cinematic history you probably didn’t know. Not long after he finished Torn Curtain, Alfred Hitchcock was called in to do a job for Disney. Specifically, he froze Walt. Some […]

Qualia |

The Gifted Slacker

All play and no work makes Jake…ACTUALLY PRETTY GOOD?! Attributes: Some folks don’t feel the need to show off or kick up a fuss about what they do, when they […]

Michael Keenan |

The Master of Chains

Chain stores, that is. The big chains speak to you and you alone…. just like they do for everyone else. There is a magic to the uniformity of chain stores. […]

TedPro |