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Life Lessons

Miscellaneous rumors. They say that the olfactory senses (the sense of smell) is the sense closest linked to memory. Go on eBay, or to a high-end antiques dealer. Find an […]

The Demented One |

Things I hope aren’t true

There are some things that even the Occult Underground doesn’t like to think about Not all children are really children. Some of them are pedophiles practicing a form of Personomancy. […]

Dominus |

Great Cthulhu, The Dreamer in the Depths

Cthulhu as an Anti-Archetype (Qlippoth) (see Mordiggian for a discussion of the theology). Part of an Unknown Armies/Call of Cthulhu crossover. “In his house at R’lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming” […]

JamesH |

The Gross Clinic

Horrors of the past. In winter of 1944, with overtaxed supply lines in the Ardennes, a German medic had completely run out of plasma, bandages and antiseptic. During one particularly […]

The Demented One |

Yesterday keeps changing.

The confession of a man with more memories than days to account for them. Let’s say it now. I am not having a groundhogs day moment. Every day is different […]

bennzbub |

We’re Renewed!

Thanks to your donations, I’ve been able to renew for another year. I really appreciate your commitment. This site is still going strong because of the active community who […]

John Tynes |

The Birthday Scissors

A way of “taking someone out of the picture” Right this is my first submission ever so bare with me folks The idea in the scissors is that some unknown […]

Zompire |

I am the Emperor!

Two Avatars battle. One Victorious,2933,289562,00.html A man was shot and killed in front of Gov. Bill Ritter offices. He held a handgun and had a knife in his pocket. […]

CriticalFault |

The Washing Machine of Purity

“Woman, respect thyself!” A confrontation of epic proportion between a magickal washing machine and a woman wanting to have sex. Back in the sixties, a woman whose name has been […]

Jocelyn Robitaille |


Vampires, or rather, wannabe vampires This is my first shot at a new adept school. Being the world of Unknown Armies, the idea behind the school of magick is that […]

Cantankerous |