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WTC Dust

Universal blast carrier. It turns out that the toxic cloud of WTC dust is unusually empowered to store blasts. Any school can use it. It only takes a half ounce […]

Menzoa |

Paradigm: Addict

Desparation and compulsion. Paradigm: Addict (Self/Helplessness): The addict can rationalize a wide range of behavior to get their fix. However, the allure of the rush can seem like a compulsion […]

Menzoa |

the crackle over the phone

a collection of rumours overheard in the space between conversations… sometimes if you listen real close, you can hear things over the crackle of a bad connection…or from a scrap […]

Chad_Eagleton |

You know nothing.

The things about the Invisible Clergy and The Comte de St-Germain are all lies ! What you think you know about the “cosmic reincarnation” is the biggest hoax made to […]

antoine |

Dukes? In Berkeley?

Craziness doesn’t make for good magick. So why is this stuff so valuable? For decades, crazy people have been walking around the streets of Berkeley handing out manifestos. By “crazy […]

Bob Rossney |

The Changing Box

A clockwork room of renunciation? A North Jersey clockworker has built the “changing box” to rehabilitate violent criminals and other people he doesn’t like. Its frame is made from re-cast […]

Menzoa |

Dead Man’s Noose

Creates an astral snare trap for demons. Power: Minor Cost: 5 minor charges Effect: This ritual creates a region that demons can enter but cannot exit. The trap has a […]

The Tim |

Shadow Mask

Turn your shadow into a proxy Power: Significant Cost: 3 significant charges Effect: Your shadow becomes your minor proxy. Description: To perform this ritual you need a Catholic priest in […]

The Tim |

The Witch-Hunter

Fox Mulder meets the Spanish Inquisition. Attributes: To most folks, the Witch-Hunter is the embodiment of humanity’s triumph over the supernatural. He uses humanity’s mundane advantages (planning, research, preparation) to […]

Dan Bayn |