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Laws of Magick 2

Chapter Two: The First Law Mitch scratched his head as they turned the street corner. He had seen much since his eyes were opened to the occult, and he was […]

Unknown_VariableX |

One Thousand Zero Zero

We’ve crossed the thousand-submission threshold! In 2006 alone there have been more than one hundred new articles posted here, not including the forums. I’m really glad to see the UA […]

John Tynes |

Laws of Magick

Chapter One: The Zeroth Law The hallway outside the apartment was littered with trashbags and other trash which was not in bags, which the young man carefully stepped around. Not […]

Unknown_VariableX |


That which does not kill you makes you a reality-bending freak. Also known as “yes men”. You knew it since you were a child; That we’re spinning alone in the […]

Scaramouche |

The EVIL Plutomancers

Maybe you shouldn’t close on that dream house today… The Plutomancers really are going to control everything. Money really will become the root of all evil. I believe because […]

privateI |

Charles Baier

Life, death and the whirring cogs in between Charles Baier cannot remember the drone of bombers flying overhead as he and other children walked through the snow in the Ardennes. […]

pedant |

Coloured glasses

Sometime in December of 1899… It is reputed that Louis Tiffany created a unique set of cups to use in a grand new century’s party, some were appearantly handed out […]

SeekerVI |

Underground Adventures

I was originally going to present this as an Otherspace, but instead, you get a rumor. I’ve always been a city person. My heart is downtown and I’m quite at […]

Morris |

Trotski’s Icepick

Good for all your DIY projects. In Chicago, three anarchists were found in their apartment after neighbours called the police about a rotting smell coming from their abode. They were […]

Morris |

Life-tokens and Pampered Blades

A couple of old-school rituals courtesy Cassell’s Dictionary of Superstitions. The Pampered Blade Cost:4 minor charges If you’ve been stabbed, and you don’t have a Healer or cutter handy, this […]

The McK |